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Which Features Around Your Home Need Updating?

Sep 30, 2022

No matter what kind of home you live in, it's sure to have features that age over time. According to the National Kitchen and Bath Association, about 80% of the features in your home will become outdated within the next 20 years. Let's take a look at what features you may need to update.


The siding is crucial to your home's ability to protect you from weather and pests. It also provides a layer of insulation. This means that when the colder weather arrives, your siding plays a big part in keeping you warm. Luckily, there are many different types of siding that you can use to protect yourself. It's best to talk to a contractor; they can get you squared away and put your home back in order.


After siding, roofing is the next part of the home that you should consider looking at. Your home's roofing plays a similar role to that of the siding. It blocks the weather and keeps you insulated while also providing your house with structural integrity. It's important to note that roofs take a lot of abuse because of the constant stream of water when it rains. Even with gutters, your roof may start to lose its strength over time. By keeping up on your roof's maintenance, you're giving your home the best chance to last as long as it can.


With the majority of windows, you'll start seeing signs of wear and tear after they've been used for a while. Once that time has passed, it would be a good idea to get some new windows. Even if the windows aren't clearly broken to the average observer, they could be allowing air through. If they are, your energy usage could be a lot higher than it has to be.

These are some of the features in your home that you may need to update soon. Of course, there are many others to consider. Be sure to take into account whatever you might have in your home. To get started on making these highly important repairs, get in contact with LandMark Exteriors today.

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